How to Build a Wardrobe: It’s Time to Create a Shopping List
Posted on February 01 2019
We have finally made it to one of the more exciting parts of building your wardrobe; Creating a shopping list! Just like a grocery list, we are going to do an evaluation of what we need so that when you get to the store you already know what you are there for. First, let’s go back to our Wardrobe Basics Checklist. What items on there are missing from your wardrobe? Let’s make these items a priority. Remember, they are important because they help to build the foundation of your wardrobe. Also, look over your list of different styles/cuts. This will also help us have an idea of what fits our body type and looks good on us while out shopping. Be sure to also write out what you feel you need more and less of! You should have also looked at some inspiration for your new wardrobe. Were there any items that were a must have that you ran across?
I would suggest after purchasing your staples for your wardrobe, that you then start to focus on the areas that you feel you are lacking the most. You can reference your Evaluate Your Lifestyle worksheet for this.
I have created an eBook that will help create your shopping list. Also, here is a sneak peek of the worksheet, I have filled it out based on my very own personal wardrobe needs. Sign up using your email to receive a free copy of the eBook below! Be sure to share this post with any friends that you know are in need of revamping their wardrobe.